Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me! Monday

While having guests over for dinner last Thursday, I did not tell my 11-year-old daughter, Claire, to shut up while she was telling them how much of a product stocker I am. By no means would I have eight back-up bottles of handsoap in my cupboard and be embarassed when Claire would choose to announce this. By NO MEANS would I ever use the phrase "shut up" with her - I am a much better parent than that!

Since having my wisdom teeth removed this past Friday, I have not been SO sick of the soft-foods diet that I'm on that I would ask our wonderful MckMama for some ideas of what to eat since sweet Stellan eats an entirely pureed diet as well. By no means would I be searching to see what various babies eat just to get something more appealing into my stomach!

In fact, I am NOT sitting here at 9:15am eating ice cream for breakfast! That would be absurd :) I have far more common sense as to eat something of nutritional value as opposed to ice cream so early in the morning!

I am not choosing to go to my sister's house this coming Wednesday during the day with my boys while Claire is at horse camp. I know how much Claire Bear LOVES coming to see my sister and her family and therefore would never make her miss out on such a wonderful visit. Not me!

Finally, I did not make my first pie EVER this past week and shamelessly take a picture of it because I was so proud of myself! I then did not choose to save it so we could share it with the MckFamily when they came over for dinner as opposed to allowing my family to have it two nights in a row just so that we don't have dessert twice. I always allow my family to splurge on sweets whenever they choose and would NEVER tell them that dessert can't be had that often!

Oh, and I would also NEVER post a picture of said pie on here just to share with all of you! :)

Come visit MckMama's Blog to see hers and other stories of Not Me! Monday :)